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BMI Calculator


Body Mass Index (BMI) is a tool to gauge body fat relative to height. The

normal range for BMI is between 18.5 to 24.9. Below or above normal range

may increase the risk of certain diseases. Plug your information into our BMI

Calculator to see where you stand and how to maintain or strive for a healthier BMI.


*Please note that there are many factors to overall health and the BMI Calculator is

not an all inclusive tool. The information on this website is not a substitute for

proper medical care. Always consult your physician to tailor a healthy lifestyle plan for you.



18.5 or less (Underweight)
Your weight may be too low. A low BMI may lower your body's immune system

and ability to fight disease. It can also increase the symptoms of malnutrition and

fatigue, causing extra stress on vital organs. Consult a physician or registered

dietitian on how to healthily increase calories to your diet. 


18.5 and 24.9 (Normal Weight)
Great Job! You're maintaining the ideal amount of body weight. However, it doesn't give you a pass to slack. Keep eating right and moving to ensure that you maintain your healthy lifestyle and the benefits from it with lowered risks of certain diseases.


25 and 29.9 (Overweight)
You would benefit from finding healthy ways to lower your weight. Studies show a 10-15 pound weight loss may significantly decrease your risk of serious conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. Being overweight is a precursor of obesity. So take control and get back on track!


30-34.99 (Obese Class 1)
You are approaching the danger zone. Risks for serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gall bladder disease, and some cancers is increased with obesity. You have some work to do, however you will reap the benefits of healthy weight loss right away. Not only will you look better (wink, wink) you'll find yourself more energetic and sleeping well so overall you'll feel better.


35-39.99 (Obese Class 2)
You are at elevated risk for some serious health problems and even death. See your doctor or registered dietitian to safely  (and permanently) get rid of the excess weight.


40 and over (Obese Class 3 : Morbid Obesity)
Girl, let's be real. You need to do something! You are at extremely high risk of weight related diseases and premature death. You need to see a physician or registered dietitian to work your way to a lower BMI. Now!




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